
Showing posts from February, 2018


2/22/18 Something important is supposed to go in here right? The only important thing is my best friend. September 29 is the date that started everything. I was left behind by an old friend and being honest, I'm glad she did. I would have never met my best friend right now.  Everything I do I think about her. That one day she ran into a bush because we were running away from a skunk. It's okay tho, We got ice cream later. 


Hello, I play the trumpet. I'm not very good at it but I get the job done. I don't practice either. It comes natural so me. I hadn't realized it back then but I wasn't as great as I seemed. I LOST MY SOLO TO A 7th GRADER. I think he was a 7th grader at least. But that's okay. I get another chance to get another solo. I don't know why but my band teacher thought I played well. I am a disgrace to my trumpet.                                    (please understand music)


These people are so important to me. My best friends, teammates, and semi friend play such a big role in my life how could I forget about them. Yes, I love you too bro. I haven't forgotten about you.    This is my semi friend. We haven't talked much since the first time we've met but I had tons of laughs and arguments with him. Who could have asked for a better person to be semi friends with.  2.    These are my teammates. We've gone through wins and losses but we still had fun. We share a bond that has no boundaries. Even after this season I hope our friendship stays that way.  3.  I save the best for last. I'm not even kidding this girl is the the world to me. Forget about your significance other take this girl instead. Not only would she be the best candidate for you guys ;) but she would be the kindest person you'll ever meet. I'm tearing up as a write about this. I'm on the verge of bawling my eyes right now. I can't put m