
Showing posts from January, 2018


Today I'm going to tell you my life through songs.  The first song would have to be Look What You Made Me Do by Taylor Swift The reason this is because of the lyrics saying "I don't like your little games. The role you made me play of the fool, no, I don't like you." Then later on it shows a come back. " Honey, I rose up from the dead I do it all the time." I always come out at the top. My second song is The Edge Of Glory by Lady Gaga The reason to why I chose this sang is because in the song it says "I'm on the edge of glory" This relates to me so much because I'm at a 90.6 in math and one wrong move and I'll be sent to a B+ My third song is Perfect Two by Auburn Why you might ask. Well as a child I had this crush and I honestly thought we would get married and have an Asian family. I know weirddddddd. My second to last song is Lego house by Ed Sheeren  It talks about

Creative Writing

They'd only been apart for a week and already he had a new lover hanging off his arm. How could this happen to me. I made my mistakes. I grabbed a random person from off the streets and wrapped my arm around his. He looked me confused but went with it. As my ex crossed by he stopped to "catch up."  "Got a new man already?" "I could ask the same thing." "This is my cousin. Not my girlfriends, Jess." "Whatever." As I walked away from him I realized I was still holding on to this random persons arm.  "Want my number?" he asked "Why not." I said Now that is how you get a new boyfriend while telling your ex "I've already got better people."