

Good afternoon everyone, this must be an amazing accomplishment for you and your child. Showing up to an event like this must make you proud. Making you urge for their next graduation to come.  Well, what if I told we never left? What if we just stayed in this moment of time? Just like the time stone of Doctor Strange. Now that's something to cogitate about. Now going off of exactly what Albert Einstein said “We cannot solve our problems the the same thinking we used when we created them.” Surpassing each other isn't our goal at Golf Middle School. Our one goal is to beat ourselves.  I’ve done that and so has everyone else. Look at them, each one all grown up, mature, and best of all passing.  Graduations been nothing but a fantasy. A dream waiting to come true. We’ve been ruminating the mystery of putting our cap and gown on. The colors of red and white will always touch our hearts whether we want them to or not, so it's time to leave.  There's no going ...

Beginnings and Endings

Everything has a beginning and an ending. Maybe not what you would expect but you'll still have something.  You'll open a book and realize, dang I love it or maybe you'll hate it. Either way it'll end.  Every emotion you're feeling will end until you pick up your next book.  What a twist you might experience. A horrible start to a day? Well it might turn out amazing. Just keep looking forward. 

pEsTo PaStA

Bro I can't even begin telling you how much I love food. You know whats best though? Probably not. PASTA my BOI, PASTA. You can never go wrong with pasta. Burnt noodle, no problem. It's crunchy noodles now. Raw noodles, no problem put it in a hot pot. Simple fixes and easy to make. Do you actually know what the best type of pasta is though? Obviously not. PeStO PASTA my BoI. Bland noodles? No problem add some PeStO. Too green? Sorry there's no fix. Just close your eyes and think about the spaghet meme.

Good Luck

How to prepare for test by this one  Girllll all you really need to know is nothing. Nothing you can do if you have no clue. Its the teachers fault for not preparing you obviously. Don't sweat it. Stop the cramming a night before because sleep enhances your ability in class. Now for realsies 1. Just wing it 2. follow step number 1 3. Draw a meme and hope your teacher likes it  one more thing  Good luck 


“You must choose love. Always choose love.”   A bird, it fell from its nest. A woman, she helped her up. The nest is low in a short stubby tree. She placed the bird with delicacy. Her heard is gold.  No one shall stain it. The branches of the baby tree thanked her by swaying in the wind.  The bird's mother came back and tilted her head wondering why such a person would help. Shes seen so many thing but never something so kind. She looked at her child with dreamy eyes. They sang a melody more beautiful than Beethoven's Symphony No. 9.


2/22/18 Something important is supposed to go in here right? The only important thing is my best friend. September 29 is the date that started everything. I was left behind by an old friend and being honest, I'm glad she did. I would have never met my best friend right now.  Everything I do I think about her. That one day she ran into a bush because we were running away from a skunk. It's okay tho, We got ice cream later. 


Hello, I play the trumpet. I'm not very good at it but I get the job done. I don't practice either. It comes natural so me. I hadn't realized it back then but I wasn't as great as I seemed. I LOST MY SOLO TO A 7th GRADER. I think he was a 7th grader at least. But that's okay. I get another chance to get another solo. I don't know why but my band teacher thought I played well. I am a disgrace to my trumpet.                                    (please understand music)